What Trumps Culture? Understanding the Impact of Team Dynamic

You’ve heard the Peter Drucker quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” It’s a simple way to say the overall vibe and values within a credit union have a stronger impact on success than the best-laid plans or tactics. But is there something that eats culture? The most brilliant strategy at a credit union doesn’t stand a chance with a culture that is negative or misaligned. A healthy culture promotes adaptability and resilience, enabling organizations to better navigate change and unexpected challenges. When the culture is strong, employees are more likely to be aligned with the credit union’s vision and mission. And we know that a positive culture attracts top talent. A study by Glassdoor found that 77% of people consider a company’s culture before applying for a job, and 56% rank a good workplace culture as more important than salary. So, while we know culture is important, something does, in fact, eat culture. Teams. Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices that characterize an organization. Amazon has a “customer obsession” culture. Salesforce’s culture is built around the concept of Ohana, meaning family. Airbnb’s culture? Belonging. Patagonia fosters a culture of environmental responsibility. Now, if only it was as easy as finding employees that identify with the core values and principles within each of these company’s culture – as distinct as they are. A strong organizational culture is the underlying fabric of your credit union, but that’s just it: It’s the backbone. The foundation. The framework. It’s not the trenches. Culture is an abstract, pervasive force shaping overall behavior, whereas teams are groups of individuals who come together to achieve specific goals or tasks. They are cross-functional, department-specific, or project-based. Team dynamics are influenced by the member’s skills, personalities, and the team-leader’s style. When it comes to staffing challenges at your credit union, a powerful culture will attract employees, and poor team dynamics will drive them away. Conflict, lack of collaboration, poor management practices, workload imbalance, lack of recognition, etc. are what cause employees to leave. And yes, you can have an organizational culture that sets the tone and values of the credit union and still fails miserably with teams. So, where do you start? Assess Team Dynamics This often starts with getting out of your own head. Too often, we fall into the trap of reverting back to a culture as “the fix.” It may fix the problem… but it may not. Instead, observe team meetings and interactions to identify any viable issues or conflicts. Distribute surveys or conduct feedback sessions to gather input from employees about team interactions, communication, workload, and leadership. Develop an Action Plan   From improving communication to enhancing collaboration to reducing conflicts, set clear, measurable goals. Develop and implement training programs focused on team dynamics, and plan regular, team-building activities to strengthen relationships and foster a sense of unity. Monitor Progress and Adjust Establish ongoing feedback loops where employees can provide input on the effectiveness of implemented changes. Schedule regular check-ins with teams to discuss progress, challenges, and any new issues that arise. It is okay to adjust the action plan. Note Well: As leaders, guide your teams to find the best solutions; do not do it for them. After all, being in the trenches, they may be aware of more than you. Both culture and team dynamics are crucial. They are two sides of the same coin. A positive culture sets the tone and values, creating an environment where employees feel connected and motivated. It is the quality of team interactions, leadership, and collaboration, however, that directly impacts their daily work experience, and ultimately their decision to stay or go. If you need help enhancing your credit union culture or improving team dynamics, YMC is here to assist. We can develop strategies and implement practices to transform your workplace into an environment where both culture and teams flourish. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

Navigating the Challenges of Authentic Leadership

Have you ever heard that authenticity is everything? As credit union leaders, we are called to be principled, transparent, and tackle issues head-on with high levels of integrity. Yet there are societal expectations, personal barriers, and organizational dynamics that often challenge our authenticity. In most credit union cultures, there is an unspoken emphasis on uniformity rather than individuality. A leader who dares to veer too far from the norm is often treated with suspicion. In the name of “professionalism,” leaders may likewise feel compelled to mask their emotional states, pretending to be someone or something they are not. Leading from a distance is impossible because it gives a leader an excuse not to engage. Inside our credit unions, the demand for immediate results can force us to pursue short-term wins over long-term, value-based goals. These short-term performance pressures can derail us from being our authentic selves. As much as we want to be authentic leaders, how does the fear of rejection, aversion to risks, pressures to conform, and inconsistent values and actions challenge us to lead authentically? And here comes the body blow: Exhibiting authentic leadership is reflective of how you inspire, motivate, and guide your followers. Becoming an authentic leader is not a matter of honor, but a challenge. There are several innate challenges to authenticity. We’re here to unpack how you can go from good to great as an authentic leader at your credit union. Give Yourself Self-Awareness Authentic leadership is not merely “being yourself.” This viewpoint can lead you to resist feedback and growth opportunities. Authenticity should not be an excuse for failing to grow, adapt, and improve. Another common pitfall is oversharing both information and emotions. You must balance honesty with discretion and consider the context and appropriateness of what is being shared. Authentic leaders emphasize self-awareness. It’s taking ownership of your work, your decisions, and your contributions to the organization’s success overall. Regular self-reflection and mindfulness practices, such as journaling, as well as 360-degree feedback, can help you increase your emotional intelligence. Also, seek feedback from peers and engage in continuous learning. A mentor or coach can guide you to develop your own unique leadership model.  Define and Align Organizational Values It is also critical not to overcorrect. A common risk is when a leader is focused solely on their own authenticity to the point that they neglect their credit union’s needs and values. The culture and values of the credit union play a significant role in shaping leadership. Authentic leaders align their actions with their values and the values of the organization. This alignment creates a coherent and compelling vision that inspires and motivates others. If you find a misalignment with building trust, inspiring loyalty and engagement, or creating a positive culture, it’s time to clarify (or reclarify) values. Review the credit union’s mission and vision statement to understand its core values and long-term goals. Compare personal values and organizational values to identify areas of alignment and potential conflict. Then, embed those values into your training programs, performance reviews, and development plans. To Err is Human Nobody’s perfect—not even the boss! Authentic leaders create a culture where failures are seen as opportunities for learning and growth. When leaders admit their own blunders, they build trust and embolden their teams to take smart risks, innovate, and improve without the fear of failure. The key is not to pass blame or judgment, but rather to say, “Now I begin again.” Give yourself and others a personal invitation to do your greatest work yet – always fixated on the road ahead, never stuck in the rear-view mirror. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

Don’t You Dare Utter ‘Not on Brand’

When you find yourself saying, “it’s not on brand,” do you understand why you are saying it? Uttering these words should prompt us to question whether we truly grasp the essence of our brand identity and what it represents. It’s not merely a matter of adhering to a color palette or logo; it encompasses the entire attitude and personality of our brand. If you are getting hung up on visual identity alone, something is wrong. Let me explain: Too many credit unions view their brand guides as law. Despite the term “guide” in the name, most follow strict, rigid, and literal interpretations, which harms their brand. And honestly, most of these guides involve design standards, not actual brand standards. I remember one credit union that came to Your Marketing Co. after undergoing a rebrand elsewhere. It was like trying to give therapy to cult survivors. What they had been taught actually discouraged critical thinking. They would point to words in their guide such as “mold,” “make,” and “execute,” which they were told must be included in their messaging. Here’s the deal: Yes, you need guide rails. Absolutely, they are important. But if those standards hinder your creative messaging and tone with your target audience, it’s time to reevaluate your overarching brand strategy. Take, for example, Heinz, the market leader in ketchup in the United States. I want you to watch these four spots from 1979, 2013, 2018, and 2024. 1979 – “Anticipation” 2013 – “Last Drop” 2018 – “At Last” 2024 – “The Wait” What are your first impressions? You might think it shows a “sign of the times,” and you’d be correct. Indeed, a lot has changed in 45 years. Yet, there is consistency among all four messages. Each one positions Heinz’s ketchup as a “must-have.” You may have noticed that the “At Last” spot from 2018 seems a bit different from the rest. But is it “off-brand”? No! Just because it doesn’t include people dining doesn’t mean it is off-brand compared to the other three. It adheres to the same central theme as the rest, and the singer holding a note for nearly 10 seconds certainly commands our attention. What’s great about Heinz’s latest campaign, “The Wait,” is that it taps more into our human emotions. Without any words, we’ve all been there, waving down a waitress for some ketchup for our naked fries – unless you are one of those unusual people who use mayonnaise. Eww. This brings me back to what should be in your brand standards: real audience insights. Understanding your target audience is the cornerstone of effective branding. Prioritize consumers’ needs, preferences, and behavior, and don’t be overly rigid about your guidelines. Remember: they are guidelines, not rules. What are the consumers’ attitudes toward borrowing? How do they make financial decisions? Why do they hesitate before applying for a loan or opening an account? What pain points are they facing? Of course, I realize you can’t ignore sales completely, and I’m not advocating for that either! This is where we often see credit unions focusing only on immediate sales promotions, resulting in the use of overused and unoriginal stock photos, such as piggy banks, women strangely dangling keys, or diverse groups of people with creepy smiles. Ugh. The bottom line is this: if your brand standards – or your fallible interpretation of those standards – are holding your credit union back from effectively targeting, change them today. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

Abandon Ship? Why Frequency is Your Brand’s Lifeboat

When a credit union leader says they want to do a short run on a campaign, my initial response is, “Are we swimming or treading water?” Unfortunately, too many credit unions are only looking to dip their toe in the water. Let me explain. As someone who lives in the Carolinas, I’m very aware that FanDuel and DraftKings have arrived in North Carolina. With the legalization of online sports betting in the Tar Heel State on March 11, these two powerhouse brands blitzed almost every streaming and media service provider imaginable over the past 60 days leading up to the deadline, including pre-registration bonuses and influencer marketing. Of course, the key to their short run campaign was frequency. And, oh boy, have both FanDuel and DraftKings poured a ton of money into acquiring new customers during the initial launch phase. By contrast, we know of a credit union in the Rocky Mountains region of the United States that identified a new market two hours away from their homebase in another state. They boasted that if a FinTech can enter a new market without a physical branch, so could they. They talked a good game with an “all in” attitude. Unfortunately, their strategy and budget said otherwise. Their campaign burned hot and fast, and they were out within 45 days with little to show for their efforts. Short run campaigns that are most successful for credit unions tend to be experiential marketing, where there are pop-up events or interactive experiences that generates excitement or media buzz. A promoted flash loan or limited time deposit special can also drive engagement, but only when it is supported by a high level of frequency. In a short timeframe, you need to build familiarity, create a sense of urgency, overcome competition, and ensure your audience can absorb your messaging. There’s the old “Marketing Rule of 7,” which suggest someone must see or hear a message at least seven times before they’ll commit to act. With modern attention spans, I would suggest we are well beyond seven touch points. We must take a more strategic approach and dig deeper into the platforms our target audience frequents and consider campaign pacing and clear messaging. By contrast, long-term campaigns help build brand awareness, foster trust and creditability, and can change perceptions about your credit union. Here’s the kicker: Your true adversary isn’t your competitors, it’s obscurity. To increase market share, you need to increase your presence and credibility, and that only comes with a long-term strategy where you are not just selling what people want, but rather you are positioning what matters most to your target audience. If I were to ask you, “What brand is associated with happiness,” the answer is Coca-Cola. Go ahead. Google it! Only, Coca-Cola ended their “Open Happiness” campaign in 2016. So, why does is still resonate with us? That campaign ran for seven years. It’s successor, “Taste the Feeling,” which is going on eight years, emphasizes the experience of the product itself, but compliments the idea that Coke brings happiness. When it comes to your credit union’s brand story, let’s not just tell it for 60 days but for a lifetime. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com

Help Your Team Get More Stuff Done

Is your team brimming with excitement, engagement, and fervor for their roles? Distractions, interruptions, and inefficient workflows can hinder even the most exceptional credit union teams. Surprisingly, we’re quick to turn to perks and incentives to keep people motivated rather than practical steps to improve productivity. Why is that? We encounter statistics, such as those highlighted in Slack’s 2023 State of Work survey, indicating that 82% of employees identify feeling happy and engaged at work as a pivotal factor influencing productivity. So, we throw more toward things such as casual dress codes, wellness programs, and free food. It is often structure, however, that reduces fatigue, stress, and anxiety, which leads to happiness. Maybe, just maybe, we have things backwards. So, before you start the conversation about offering free yoga classes, what’s holding your credit union back? Here are three practical ways to help your employees get more stuff done. Dive into the Flow Zone You know those days when your team is juggling a dozen different tasks at once, feeling like they’re barely keeping their heads above water? Encourage your team to batch similar task together. By focusing on one type of task at a time, your team can minimize distractions and maximize efficiency. What specific tasks or processes are causing bottlenecks or delays within the credit union? Are there any communication breakdowns or misunderstandings contributing to any workflow issues? Work with your team to get to the root cause of workflow problems. Champion Service Excellence Every interaction with a member is an opportunity not just to provide outstanding service but also to upsell or cross-sell. Encourage your team to listen closely to a member’s needs and preferences, and empower them to suggest relevant products or services that could enhance the member’s experience. Championing service excellence isn’t just about solving problems. It’s going above and beyond to wow your members and keep them coming back for more. Utilize Downtime Strategically Empower your credit union personnel to excel in their roles by using those quieter moments to foster a culture of learning and improvement. This can be regular professional development sessions, online learning training modules, or knowledge sharing sessions where teammates can share insights, experience, and best practices with colleagues. It’s important to remember that downtime is important for creativity, self-improvement, and rest and recovery. It is not meant for catchup work. If you are using downtime for busy work, you’re denying growth opportunities. Set the Tone Which of these strategies can you start immediately? Remember: Leaders who demonstrate high levels of productivity inspire and motivate their team members to do the same. Leading by example shows that productivity is valued and expected within the organization. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

The Power of Personal Development

Let’s get real: You’ve hired people at your credit union that didn’t work out. Some were never the right fit, while others lost something over time.  I’m reminded of when one of our credit unions hired a marketing specialist. She was rather boastful about having earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and she was quick to point out to others at the credit union who did not have degrees. She created waves fast, and clearly hadn’t mastered what it takes to build and maintain great relationships. That’s not always taught in college. After seven months, she was fired. She continues trying to find herself, with short stints in car rentals, manufacturing sales, and now a nursing student. Now, sharing this story is not to belittle her. I am also not discounting her value as a person or the value of a quality education. I think she’s learned some valuable skills, albeit the hard way; however, what I am championing is the importance of personal development. What the former credit union marketing strategist didn’t see in her colleagues was just how much they had invested in themselves. Things like improving self-confidence, problem solving, stress management, emotional intelligence, time management, goal setting, and project management. This is a high performing credit union because it has an amazing team that values personal growth. Here’s the truth: What’s the one constant in our credit unions? Change.  What’s not? Progress.  So, when it comes to increased productivity, employee advancement, enhanced adaptability, and improving teamwork within your credit union, personal development must be at the forefront. Now, we’re not taking about BSA training. Nor are we talking about a book club, which often clashes with differing interests and mismatched expectations.  Let’s take a closer look at six practical strategies to create a culture of learning: Personal Development Policy – Do you have one? If not, consider allocating funds for training programs, online courses, conferences, and workshops. Note Well: Don’t be that credit union that sends their leadership team to every conference under the sun, which becomes more like vacations. Invest in your team in other ways. With a personal development policy, you are showing you are committed to fostering a culture of learning.  Encourage External Learning – Support employees who want to learn. Now, you may be saying to yourself, “We do that, and we get nothing.” You’re forgetting the “personal” in personal development. Truly get to know the individual. When you do, then you’ll know what direction to point them in, and they may even come to you with what areas they are passionate to learn about. Gamify Learning – When employees embark on tasks, solve problems, or acquire new skills, make it a competition. You can award points for achieving milestones or even create a leaderboard to show top performers. The key here is to make these opportunities challenging, enjoyable, and relevant to your credit union. Bite-Sized Learning – Examine videos, podcasts, and online modules that are easy to access and complete. While this shouldn’t be your only form of personal development, these often help you build momentum and promote positive reinforcement. Side Note for YMC clients: Staff have access to a Learning Resource Center, where credit union staff can learn skills in sales, productivity, leadership, and more.  Offer Coaching/Mentoring – Senior employees can give new employees guidance and support. Sometimes, it pays to use an external mentor for an objective perspective and specialized development – especially if you are going through organizational change or restructuring.  Onsite Staff Training – Having dedicated onsite staff training helps eliminate distractions and allows for interactive sessions with your credit union team. From technical skills to soft skills, leadership development, and team building activities, you can motivate and engage your team to a whole new level. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone can be intimidating, and we all give excuses: Lack of time, perception of being expensive, lack of support, fear of being overwhelmed, etc. Work with your team to identify priorities when it comes to personal development. I promise you, for most of your employees, they have strong aspirations and desires to be a better version of themselves.  Start implementing strategies gradually and celebrate incremental successes. If you’re in a leadership position, having YOU championing personal development is critical to buy-in. Do it, and you will see individuals work toward being more skilled, engaged, and productive at your credit union.  As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

New Year, New Sales Approach: Fresh Tactics for Credit Union Growth

3 Credit Union Sales Tactics for 2024It’s fair to say that the key to credit union sales is empowering the member. When they feel in control, they are more likely to close deals – open memberships, loans, checking accounts, etc. What has changed, however, is redefining our approach as credit unions. Our pursuit demands new avenues to connect with prospects –  forging bonds that extend beyond the transactional to the relational. Today, we have a more informed buyer who is in control of the information they consume and have high expectations for transparency and value.  So, the questions become: To answer these questions, here are three credit union sales tips for 2024: 1) The Social Selling Power Play First, let’s address the elephant that’s most likely lurking in your credit union. There’s fear that you or your staff will do something wrong when it comes to social selling. Plus, who has the time? Let’s just say, “You have to risk it to get the biscuit!” Now, let’s talk about why becoming an authority in your space is the linchpin to success. Humans are social beings, and social proof plays a significant role in decision-making. It creates trust and validation. And when you showcase an aspirational financial lifestyle, followers will want to emulate you. Don’t get stuck on your credit union staff becoming the next Khaby Lame, Soomer Ray or MrBeast. Take the glitz and glamour out of being an influencer. Instead, view social selling as a way of helping others first. You are changing lives at your credit union, yes? If you are instilling that within your organization’s culture, it’s worth shouting from the mountaintops on Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and other platforms. Of course,  it is imperative for employees to have a clear understanding of permissible content for posting. However, it is equally crucial to empower them to contribute their unique insights. Let them be authentic. 2) Leverage Data for PrecisionImagine a sales approach tailored precisely to your members’ needs – it’s not a dream, it’s data-driven reality.  Leverage the wealth of transactional data available to you. You can target product recommendations and personalized budgeting assistance by analyzing spending patterns and transactional history. By examining product usage data, you can up-sell or cross-sell, or even offer incentives or rewards based on how often and how much members use a particular service.  One-size-fits-all went out of style with the dial-up Internet. Leverage data to build your pipeline. In many cases, you can know what your members need before they do! 3) Embrace the Consultative Approach Look beyond short-term gains.  Be a proactive problem solver and find out what are the member’s unique needs, challenges, and goals. The savvy credit union staffer anticipates potential challenges and offers solutions, checks in with members regularly, gathers feedback, and adjusts her approach as necessary to ensure ongoing satisfaction.  In the fiercely competitive landscape of business, the art of winning members transcends mere transactions; it hinges on building lasting connections and leaving an indelible mark. As banks, Fintech and other credit unions navigate the crowded marketplace, the allure of your offering must extend beyond the tangible benefits. It lies in the lasting impression you create, the rapport you build, and the distinctiveness that sets you apart.  Remember the timeless truth that people prefer to do business with friends. In today’s environment where choices abound, being memorable is the true currency of commerce. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

The Humble Leader’s Guide for Credit Union Resilience

There is a delicate dance of expressing gratitude this time of year. There is a stronger desire to show employees appreciation through festive cheer, gift-giving, and sugary bliss in the breakroom. But how can you go beyond surface appreciation? Expressing thanks and showing appreciation fosters a sense of mutual respect and connection with others. However, wouldn’t you agree that gratitude should know no season? If we take a deeper look at what the holidays are all about, it’s a season of reflection and preparation of our own hearts. Humility involves being modest, unassuming, and learning from others. It’s acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers. As you lead your credit union to finish the year strong and are diligently focused on the next 12 months, you may view humility as the least important. And you would be wrong (that wasn’t very humble, was it?). Humility is the soil to which all virtues grow. Here’s why: Openness to Learn Openness to learn in a humble context involves acknowledging that others may see and interpret the world differently. It is a call to eradicate selfishness from leadership. Use this time to grow, evolve, and refine your understanding of your credit union. Engage with your team openly. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. By understanding the journey, challenges, and triumphs of your team members, you will uncover areas for continuous improvement and skill development. Appreciate the “how” as much as the “what” for what they do for your credit union. Do this well and you set a tone for a learning culture within the credit union. Approachability Have you ever stated that you have an “open door policy,” and yet no one ever seems to use it and you wonder why? Here’s why… You are placing the onus solely on the employee, which is one-sided. We know this doesn’t work in marriage or parenting, and it doesn’t work in the workplace. Second, when people hear “open door policy,” the word “policy” is right there. Policies are generally not very open, but restrictive, and your employees don’t have a sense of being heard or valued. Approachability is reflected in your demeanor, and humility is key to demonstrating genuine interest in understanding different viewpoints. Give your full attention, show that you’re listening, avoid interrupting, and suspend judgment. By incorporating these into your communication style, you can enhance your active listening skills and build stronger connections with others. Inspiring Trust A humble leader is not afraid to admit when they are wrong. It demonstrates authenticity and vulnerability, creating an environment where team members feel comfortable admitting their errors and working together to find solutions. Likewise, view setbacks by others as opportunities rather than failures. By being resilient, you inspire your team to navigate challenges with a positive and solution-oriented mindset. And, of course, recognize success at your credit union. Acknowledge effort, not just results. Emphasize that success is a result of the combined skills and dedication of the entire team. Find opportunities to praise and appreciate your staff in team meetings, public forms, or through written communications. It positions you as the best place to work. The holidays serve as a natural pause in the year – an opportunity to look inwards, appreciate the journey, and set intentions for the future. Yes, be grateful, and use this time to be mindful and present in the moment. Humility is a cornerstone of servant leadership. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

Personal Growth for Credit Union Professionals

Reflecting on the Year That Was As the year draws to a close, there’s a natural urge to shift our focus to the future. Before you do… what story did this past year tell? How have your chapters unfolded? Let’s not overlook the art of personal reflection. It can illuminate your path forward and pave the way for a more intentional and prosperous new year. Before we begin, let’s laydown a ground rule. There are some common barriers and excuses used by credit union professionals. Blaming the economy, time constraints, and comparison to others can distract us from gaining clarity. When we focus on external factors as the cause of our problems, we adopt a victim mentality. A negative mindset can hinder personal growth and professional development. Instead, let’s focus on empowering personal responsibility. Celebrate Your Wins No matter how big or small, you’ve made progress. As a credit union professional, you’ve made an impact on your member’s lives. List your accomplishments and milestones. Consider any feedback or recognition you received from colleagues, supervisors, or clients. Revisit goals you set for yourself. Even if they weren’t fully met, partial success can still be considered a win. Remember: Progress, not perfection. Learn from Setbacks Setbacks and challenges provide valuable lessons that can help you grow both personally and professionally. Assess the root causes. Was it a lack of a specific skill, poor decision-making, procrastination or maybe difficulty in setting priorities? Perhaps it was excessive workloads, lack of setting boundaries, communication issues, or negative self-talk. Resilience is a key trait in personal growth. Identify what went wrong and how you can improve in the future. Prioritize Your Well-Being Are you well-rested, healthy, and happy? Take time to assess your physical and mental health. This could involve regular exercise, mindfulness practices, or simply spending more time with loved ones.  As you start to tell yourself “yes,” you will also need to learn to say “no” to things that zap your time and energy. Note Well: Sometimes well-being can be used as an excuse for not getting things done. You can over-schedule self-care. You can use it as escape from responsibilities or as a source for external validation or sympathy from others. You can even overly focus on well-being to the point of perfectionism. Seek a healthy equilibrium by setting realistic goals. Seek Feedback Seeking feedback opens us up to the potential for disapproval, which is why we rarely ask for it. Too often we can’t seem to separate self-worth from feedback. The truth, however, is you develop a growth mindset when you view feedback as an opportunity for learning and growth. When you ask for feedback regularly, you’ll become more comfortable with it over time. You do not need to wait for your next performance review to ask for it. When asking for feedback, request specific and actionable suggestions. This can make feedback feel less intimidating and more practical. Embrace Change with Gratitude Change is an inevitable part of life, and how we embrace it can greatly influence our personal growth. Meanwhile, gratitude is a practice that involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, both big and small. By embracing change with gratitude, you will improve relationships, become more resilient, and find yourself more prepared for circumstances and challenges that lie ahead. Remember this: the past year’s victories or setbacks have shaped the credit union professional you are today. With a resilient spirit and commitment to personal growth, you can take on this new year as an opportunity to write new chapters. Embrace the upcoming year with open arms, and make it your best year ever. As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email frank@yourmarketingco.com.

The Art of Persuasion in Credit Union Sales Success

Year-End Sales Push: Persuasion TipsAs we stand on the cusp of the busiest time of the year, with year-end credit union goals looming large, it’s crucial to recognize that the art of persuasion can be a game-changer, not only for you, but for your entire team. Sales, at its core, is not just about products or services; it’s about people. It’s about understanding the member’s interests, needs and aspirations. It’s about making them feel important and valued. Success hinges on more than just closing loans, opening accounts, and welcoming new members; it’s about forging lasting connections and creating genuine value. Let’s unlock the secrets of persuasion that can reshape your approach to sales at your credit union. Understanding Your Members’ Needs Emotional appeal is a remarkable power in sales. Every person carries a unique story within them, filled with emotions, experiences and desires. Take time to engage with them, ask questions and actively listen to their concerns. You have the opportunity to position your products or services as the key to unlocking the door to their aspirations. Remember this: Questions pave the path to solutions, and solutions pave the way to buyers. The Power of Authenticity Encourage your frontline staff and loan officers to drop the sales scripts and foster genuine connections. When members trust your team, they’re more likely to consider the financial products and services you recommend. Authenticity equips you and your team to address objections with confidence because you’re not peddling a product; you’re offering a solution you genuinely believe in. Note Well: You may be thinking, “I’m not sure I want (insert name) to be unapologetically himself/herself.” If that’s the case, it’s essential to consider whether you have the right person on your team. In a sales environment where being relatable and authentic is key, having the right people can make all the difference in achieving your goals and fostering lasting member relationships. Skillful Follow-Up Techniques Don’t be a pest. Instead, be skillful. Persistence is often the dividing line between a successful sale and missed opportunities. Train your frontline staff to stay in touch with members, answer inquiries promptly, and provide additional information as needed. So long as your narrative remains genuinely interested in making the members’ lives better, you are not being annoying; you are conveying an unwavering commitment to serve their needs. Of course, nobody wants a barrage of emails or phone calls, and there are tactics for a well-timed response. The kicker, however, is making sure your team understands the need to do it. Too often  people hesitate because they fear rejection or have too many distractions and forget. Make follow-up habits a priority at your credit union. Building Strong Relationships Relationships are the bedrock upon which successful credit unions are formed. People are more likely to buy from someone they like, and your service reputation is what members carry with them and share with others. There’s an adage of “to get loyalty, you must give loyalty.” How true it is! Teach your staff how to create a connection, find a common ground, and make your members feel valued and understood. The Impact of Showing Appreciation There’s a reason why Chick-fil-a employees say, “my pleasure” rather than “no problem.” It’s warm, memorable, and different. Gratitude is a powerful motivator. Remind your team that they become known by the actions they take (and those they don’t). Showing appreciation fosters goodwill. When your team learns the art of persuasion, what you’ll find is that generosity will be reciprocated by your membership. This is how you create enthusiastic advocates for your credit union. Follow the steps and create a ripple effect of raving fans at your credit union. Need help teaching the art of persuasion? Reach out to us! 

Let's Get Started!

Reh Harvey

Vice President of Digital Strategy

Reh Harvey, our Vice President of Digital Strategy, leads with diligence and fervor. Having previously been a member of Team YMC, he is excited to return to such an amazing culture and even more amazing people (his words)! Through his experience in the marketing world, he’s found the key to success is to stay on the cutting edge and to always keep evolving.
Although originally drawn to marketing for its lack of math, Reh now finds himself doing more math than he would’ve bargained for. But his self discipline and positive attitude make it easy for him to laugh and take it in stride. Hoping to one day visit Japan and enjoy some premium Sushi, Reh lives life by his creed: Be a good human. Do good work. And above all, just keep going.

Hailey Madej

Graphic Designer

As YMC’s in-house Graphic Designer, Hailey possesses an eye for detail and a drive to innovate. It’s no surprise though since being creative runs in the family! Inspired from an early age by her mom’s work as a Graphic Designer, Hailey is a seasoned expert whose talents bring vitality and accessibility to every project. As a UX/UI designer, she expertly blends the intuitive and the creative for all to enjoy.
In addition to the occasional freelance project, Hailey also lends her abilities to supporting art initiatives within her community, such as the Belleville Mural Project. Her favorite aspect of joining the YMC team is the friendly, uplifting culture and breadth of design tasks. When it comes to marketing, she believes in pushing boundaries and maybe breaking some rules to capture her audience’s attention. Her advice to those just starting out? “Always seek quality over quantity.”

Dexter Ochoa

Development Assistant

When it comes to blending logical thinking and creative problem solving, Dexter’s abilities are undeniable! Beginning his career as a Web Developer, he’s no stranger to the wide world of Marketing and Advertising. Calling Biñan City in the Philippines home, Dexter has a burning desire to visit the Alpine peaks and valleys of Switzerland. While that journey may be far off, he is still no stranger to international travel. While visiting Japan, he was able to enjoy his favorite delicacy: Sushi and Sashimi. He also learned unexpected facts about Japanese Yen, specifically that it has special markings for the blind to know its value!

Whether he’s enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning or the occasional Pale Pilsen in the evening, Dexter is eager to work with the talented professionals of YMC, and we’re just as eager to add his talent to the team as well! His marketing words of wisdom? “Be creative, and just do what you want!”

Andrew Wyche


Hailing from the NC state capital (that’s Raleigh if you didn’t know), Andrew is YMC’s Copywriter extraordinaire. That’s why he knows that “The verb form of ‘reconnaissance’ is ‘reconnoiter.’ The former is, strictly speaking, a noun.” Seriously, he knows his words and he’ll use those words to get bold and weird (in a good way) with his copy. Fuelled by a love for pasta, shellfish, a good single malt, or a meal consisting of all three, Andrew navigates life with a motto engraved in his heart: “Choose kindness. Always.” It is this guiding principle that has led him to explore the realm of marketing, driven by a desire to connect with people in meaningful ways. As he continues to chase his dreams, one bucket list item stands out above the rest – a pilgrimage to Scotland. With his heart set on adventure and his pen poised for creativity, Andrew’s journey is far from over.

Alex VanHaasteren

Senior Web Developer

Alex is YMC’s Senior Web Developer and, as the title suggests, she is an absolute pro! While she initially started in graphic design – working long and hard to expertly bring concepts to life – she also felt drawn to technology and applying her natural ability to problem solve. Web Development proved the perfect blend of her creative passion and technical savvy.

When Alex is out with friends – including her YMC colleagues – she’s up for Greek cuisine or some good pulled pork BBQ washed down with Diet Coke. Or an Old Fashioned, if the occasion demands. Someday, she hopes to go to Africa on a safari. Hopefully she’ll see a giraffe in the wild, because – as she’s pointed out – its neck is too short to reach the ground!

When she isn’t jamming out to T-Swift, she’s happy to impart some marketing words of wisdom, “Aim to create something unforgettable.” For day-to-day inspiration, she would remind you of two fundamental truths: You decide your happiness, and Ice cream is its own food group—not just a dessert.

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