Your credit union’s brand is its lifeline to relevance. What does yours say? Is it tattoo worthy? YMC has crafted a unique, time-tested series of questions to get at the crux of your credit union’s true brand, including:
- Why does your credit union exist?
- How does your credit union define success?
- What are the core principles guiding your credit union?
- How is your credit union perceived within the community?
What your credit union can expect when you engage the YMC team as your credit union branding partner:
- A ”Discovery/Insight” phase to learn more about the true essence and mission of your credit union.
- The development of a formal brand document outlining the brand’s key points of difference.
- Discussions regarding the merits of a new identity (name).
- Creative exploration of alternative naming concepts.
- Organization name and logo development.
- Style guide and collateral design.
- Development of a new website (with optional static design).
- A targeted brand launch strategy.