Unignorable Credit Union Holiday Ads


If you want your credit union to stand out this Christmas season, it’s not about offering the biggest discount or plastering holiday cheer everywhere. And like a shattered glass ornament, I’m going to start by chipping away at some of your expectations for the holidays:

  • Digital ad spending is expected to grow 10%–15% during this holiday season.
  • The cost per thousand impressions (CPMs) rises 30%–40% during peak holiday times.
  • 40% of U.S. consumers begin their holiday shopping before November. (Why do you think I’m writing about this in September?)

Now that I’ve captured your attention, you’re probably ready to write off all your festive visuals and flashy promotions altogether since you might already be a step behind the sleigh or hate the idea of spending more.

Well ho-ho-hold up!

How to Stay Competitive

Let’s untangle that mess of Christmas lights and brighten your outlook: While costs increase, so do conversion rates. According to a Shopify study, brands typically see a 35%–50% increase in conversion rates during the holidays. Despite higher costs, the ROI for holiday campaigns can be up to 4–6 times higher than non-holiday periods.

The holiday season can tempt brands to completely overhaul their image in favor of festive aesthetics, but here’s the truth: it’s a mistake. Your core identity is what sets you apart from competitors, and it should remain the cornerstone of your holiday campaigns. 

The key is finding balance. Yes, embrace the festive cheer, but do it in a way that enhances who you are as a brand, rather than overshadowing it. Note well: Uncertain about the current direction of your brand? Let’s talk about it.

Don’t Rely Solely on Discounts

Now, let’s be clear: Discounts are part of the holiday game, but they shouldn’t be your entire strategy. Consumers are savvy, and during the holiday rush, sales are everywhere. In fact, 42% of consumers say they are more likely to ignore brands that focus solely on discounts and promotions during the holiday season.

What really makes a difference is emotional storytelling. During the holidays, people are more receptive to messaging that tugs at their heartstrings. So, rather than relying solely on sales-driven tactics, tell stories that resonate. Show how your credit union supports local communities, helps families achieve their financial goals, or makes a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Santa Doesn’t Visit Just One Chimney

Leveraging multiple platforms is critical. According to Salesforce’s Holiday Shopping Report, 65% of consumers engage with brands on multiple channels before making a purchase. For your credit union to succeed, you must combine paid social ads, email marketing, display ads, and in-store promotions to maximize reach. The more unified your strategy, the stronger the impact.

One of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal is personalization. Consumers expect tailored experiences, and your credit union has access to data that allows just that. Whether it’s through personalized emails, special offers for long-time members, or holiday greetings that address members by name, personalization makes your members feel valued and understood. In a world filled with impersonal holiday campaigns, a personal touch can be a game-changer.

Video is King

Finally, if there’s one medium you should invest in this season, it’s video.

Video content consistently outperforms other formats in terms of engagement and conversions. Did you know that 80% of internet users watched a video ad in 2023? Consumers are more likely to engage with interactive or engaging video content, especially on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Video ads often have click-through rates (CTR) that are 3–5 times higher than static ads, especially during the holiday season.

 Whether it’s a heartfelt member testimonial, a story about how your credit union is supporting the community, or a simple, shareable holiday greeting, video brings your brand to life in a way that static images and text just can’t. And in a crowded marketplace, that extra emotional pull can make all the difference.

The bottom line is this: Credit unions have a unique opportunity to connect with their members in meaningful ways during the holiday season. Strong creative, coupled with real-time optimizations, ensures you’re maximizing your return on investment. 

Don’t just settle for being another credit union offering a rate discount or pushing some boring cliché Christmas on your members. Make your members feel like they are a part of something bigger. This season, it’s about connection, loyalty, and making a lasting impact.

As Vice President of Brand Experience for Your Marketing Co., Frank Allgood works with credit unions to develop strong leaders, create effective training programs, and build powerful brands. Want to connect? Call 864.326.8740 or email [email protected].

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Mandy Garman headshot

Mandy Garman

Graphic Designer

Meet Mandy, one of YMC’s in-house Graphic Designer phenoms! Honing her craft from an early age, Mandy constantly strives to innovate design and refine her artistic techniques. An avid believer in “quality over quantity,” she feels right at home with YMC’s focus on details and dedication to providing unique strategies. In fact, her marketing philosophy reflects this drive for excellence and commitment to substantial work, “Brand consistency is key for all marketing materials. Also, I believe less is more in graphic design. White space is your friend, and the logo does not always need to be the main focal point.”

A Nashville native, Mandy is intimately familiar with the profound effects of great art and stellar design. Especially influenced by the city’s music scene, one of her lifelong ambitions – besides trips to Italy and Japan – is to professionally create album covers. When she isn’t practicing her craft, you might catch her out and about enjoying matcha boba tea or at her favorite dining establishment: Mas Tacos. That, or obsessing over her Persian cat, Benny!

Reh Harvey

Vice President of Digital Strategy

Reh Harvey, our Vice President of Digital Strategy, leads with diligence and fervor. Having previously been a member of Team YMC, he is excited to return to such an amazing culture and even more amazing people (his words)! Through his experience in the marketing world, he’s found the key to success is to stay on the cutting edge and to always keep evolving.
Although originally drawn to marketing for its lack of math, Reh now finds himself doing more math than he would’ve bargained for. But his self discipline and positive attitude make it easy for him to laugh and take it in stride. Hoping to one day visit Japan and enjoy some premium Sushi, Reh lives life by his creed: Be a good human. Do good work. And above all, just keep going.

Hailey Madej

Graphic Designer

As YMC’s in-house Graphic Designer, Hailey possesses an eye for detail and a drive to innovate. It’s no surprise though since being creative runs in the family! Inspired from an early age by her mom’s work as a Graphic Designer, Hailey is a seasoned expert whose talents bring vitality and accessibility to every project. As a UX/UI designer, she expertly blends the intuitive and the creative for all to enjoy.
In addition to the occasional freelance project, Hailey also lends her abilities to supporting art initiatives within her community, such as the Belleville Mural Project. Her favorite aspect of joining the YMC team is the friendly, uplifting culture and breadth of design tasks. When it comes to marketing, she believes in pushing boundaries and maybe breaking some rules to capture her audience’s attention. Her advice to those just starting out? “Always seek quality over quantity.”

Dexter Ochoa

Development Assistant

When it comes to blending logical thinking and creative problem solving, Dexter’s abilities are undeniable! Beginning his career as a Web Developer, he’s no stranger to the wide world of Marketing and Advertising. Calling Biñan City in the Philippines home, Dexter has a burning desire to visit the Alpine peaks and valleys of Switzerland. While that journey may be far off, he is still no stranger to international travel. While visiting Japan, he was able to enjoy his favorite delicacy: Sushi and Sashimi. He also learned unexpected facts about Japanese Yen, specifically that it has special markings for the blind to know its value!

Whether he’s enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning or the occasional Pale Pilsen in the evening, Dexter is eager to work with the talented professionals of YMC, and we’re just as eager to add his talent to the team as well! His marketing words of wisdom? “Be creative, and just do what you want!”

Andrew Wyche


Hailing from the NC state capital (that’s Raleigh if you didn’t know), Andrew is YMC’s Copywriter extraordinaire. That’s why he knows that “The verb form of ‘reconnaissance’ is ‘reconnoiter.’ The former is, strictly speaking, a noun.” Seriously, he knows his words and he’ll use those words to get bold and weird (in a good way) with his copy. Fuelled by a love for pasta, shellfish, a good single malt, or a meal consisting of all three, Andrew navigates life with a motto engraved in his heart: “Choose kindness. Always.” It is this guiding principle that has led him to explore the realm of marketing, driven by a desire to connect with people in meaningful ways. As he continues to chase his dreams, one bucket list item stands out above the rest – a pilgrimage to Scotland. With his heart set on adventure and his pen poised for creativity, Andrew’s journey is far from over.

Alex VanHaasteren

Senior Web Developer

Alex is YMC’s Senior Web Developer and, as the title suggests, she is an absolute pro! While she initially started in graphic design – working long and hard to expertly bring concepts to life – she also felt drawn to technology and applying her natural ability to problem solve. Web Development proved the perfect blend of her creative passion and technical savvy.

When Alex is out with friends – including her YMC colleagues – she’s up for Greek cuisine or some good pulled pork BBQ washed down with Diet Coke. Or an Old Fashioned, if the occasion demands. Someday, she hopes to go to Africa on a safari. Hopefully she’ll see a giraffe in the wild, because – as she’s pointed out – its neck is too short to reach the ground!

When she isn’t jamming out to T-Swift, she’s happy to impart some marketing words of wisdom, “Aim to create something unforgettable.” For day-to-day inspiration, she would remind you of two fundamental truths: You decide your happiness, and Ice cream is its own food group—not just a dessert.

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